We Deliver Conservation

Get Paid for Your Conservation Practices

There has never been a more exciting time for growers who prioritize conservation and land stewardship within their production systems. Co-Alliance is proud to offer flexible programs that allow growers to qualify for practice changes made back to 2019. By partnering with multiple organizations that offer both carbon inset and carbon offset contracts, we have maximized options for our farmer-members who wish to capitalize on these markets. Furthermore, our goal is to educate farmer-members on what to look for in any program that pays for conservation practices, regardless of whether it is a program we currently offer.

Cover Crop Resources

Looking for cover crop seed? Speak with your local Co-Alliance agronomy team member about our diverse selection of cover crops and how to make them profitable on your operation.

Residual Herbicide Considerations for Fall Cover Crop Establishment

It is well known that the magnitude to which a cover crop provides any ecosystem service is positively related to the amount of biomass the cover crops puts on. Today, many farmers are establishing cover crops into standing corn or soybeans in order to maximize fall cover crop biomass production. The tables in the article linked below from the University of Missouri highlight the ways that various residual herbicides can affect cover crop establishment in the fall.

Select the Right Cover Crop Species to Meet Your Conservation Objectives

Different species of cover crops are used to accomplish different conservation goals. Multi-species mixes can yield multiple ecosystem services simultaneously. These services could be smothering herbicide-resistant weeds, breaking through compaction layers, building organic matter, or growing high-quality forage. The Midwest Cover Crops Council’s Cover Crop Decision Tool will aid your decision-making process when deciding which species is right for your operation.

Estimate the Carbon Sequestration Potential On Your Operation with USDA’s COMET Planner Tool 

Select the county you farm in and then select one of the listed practice changes along with how many acres you  would like to implement the practice change on to see an estimate of the annual carbon sequestration rate on your farm.

Grazing Cover Crops Fact Sheet from Practical Farmers of Iowa

One of the fastest ways to realize value from cover crops is by utilizing them as forage. The following fact sheet from Practical Farmers of Iowa provides a wealth of information about the economics and agronomics of grazing cover crops.