Cultivated, A Podcast Delivered By Co-Alliance


Cultivated, a podcast delivered by Co-Alliance, digs deeper into the stories of the people that make agriculture and energy in the Midwest so rich. We have real conversations with Co-Alliance industry partners, member-owners, and employees, discovering more about your local neighbors and community friends. 

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Meet the Host

Lindsay Sankey

Lindsay Sankey serves as a Communications Coordinator for Co-Alliance Cooperative. She was raised on a purebred beef operation right here in Indiana and has seen the value of membership to the local farmer-owned co-op firsthand. In fact, long before she had a driver’s permit, she admits she learned to drive in a 1964 Ford pick-up, driving back and forth to pick up feed at Co-Alliance’s Hagerstown ag center, back when it was called Walnut Level. She has always had a deep appreciation for those in agriculture because she believes they’re the most passionate people in the world. She is thrilled to bring stories and conversations to you monthly that will hopefully encourage, entertain, and enlighten.