We Deliver for the Next Generation

A Family Farm Opportunity

To secure additional value for our cooperative members, Co-Alliance raises, manages, and markets hogs. These facilities utilize our feed and allow us to capture more value from the grains and oilseeds produced by our farmer members. 

Currently, our pig supply comes from a mix of internally owned sow farms and supply agreements with production partners. We contract with over one hundred family farms to raise our wean-to-finish pigs.

We focus on the wean to finish aspect of pork production. The grower receives pigs from sow farms after weaning. The pigs arrive at the farm at around 12 lbs and go to market around 285 lbs.

Co-Alliance, Alliance Feed and Legacy Feed are always looking to build partnerships with its cooperative members to expand our swine division.

These partnerships allow for the family farm to sustain itself in such a way that the next generation can have the opportunity to come back to the family farm. 

Our swine team provides contract management services that allow you to diversify your family farming operation. Our skilled team of swine professionals is with you every step of the way to ensure your investment is a success. We help throughout the process of financial planning, building, day-to-day operations, and provide swine management.

The Benefits of Contract Finishing With Our Team

Support from your local cooperative when diversifying your family farm. We have helped many established farm families diversify their farming operations with our experienced guidance.  

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A Consistent Source of Income

  • Increase Equity
  • Build Borrowing Power

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Engage the Next Generation

  • Build Borrowing Power
  • Support your Transition Plan

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Optimize Your Manure Use

  • Implement a customized strategy
  • Lower fertilizer costs

Providing for Tomorrow

Contract finishing allows your operation to be more sustainable by using your manure to help lower fertilizer input costs. We can help you see what other steps you can take to help minimize your footprint and advance your operation. 

We go the extra mile. Our experienced production supervisors offer assistance in pig care to our farmer owners. They are there with them every step of the way to ensure we are bringing the safest and highest quality pork to the table.  

Interested in contracting swine? Contact our team!

Howard's Pork - Cass County, IN

When we were looking for a way to expand our family operation and bring the next generation back into the fold, we decided on contract finishing with Co-Alliance. Two barns and 16,000 hogs later, we’re ready to say we made the right choice.